
Showing posts from July, 2021

Summer Workout UDATE!

We are back JULY 13th with OPEN WORKOUTS every TUESDAY!   REGISTRATION REQUIRED: SIGN UP HERE Open workouts will be held at  ORCHARD PARK HIGH SCHOOL in the GYM!  Every Tuesday starting 7/13 through 8/17 VARSITY eligible athletes will meet  5:30-7:00 PM JV/MODIFIED will meet  6:30-8:00 PM NEW THIS YEAR!!! COST : ONE TIME FEE $10 per girl for 6 weeks.  In order to use the  OPCSD facilities during the summer we are required to obtain a summer camp insurance policy. This $10 fee is to cover the premium. If you have questions about this feel free to reach out. We felt this was a better option instead of renting space at a local gym and charging another fee per week.  VENMO is preferred: Varsity -- @JillManka JV -- @MaryKateMcLaughlin Modified -- @Jenelle-Mueller